JCL Logistics
Powering up corporate positioning

Powering up corporate positioning

With decades of experience, thousands of customers and dozens of forward-looking goals, JCL Logistics is one of Europe’s most dynamic logistics providers. But as a brand, JCL faced some challenges. The company lacked strong corporate positioning. Its slogan – as well as its mission and vision statements – were no longer effectively resonating with the company’s values and strategic positioning. The company was ready for a new brand positioning. And that’s where we stepped in.

To reach the next level, it was time power up the JCL brand and position the company in a way that worked across international markets. To join the dots between the JCL’s strong history, current market perception and future objectives. And to humanise the company’s voice.

Distilling the brand essence

Through a series of in-house workshops, we worked with JCL’s marketing team to explore the ins and outs of successful corporate positioning. And then we built theirs from the ground up.

We started with the big picture questions. How does JCL see itself as a brand? What are the company’s goals? Who is JCL to its customers? And what makes its services so unique? From there, we dove into customer personas and market evaluations.

With this information in hand, we successfully defined the company’s overall proposition, personality and purpose. Following some epic brainstorming and language gymnastics, we were able to distil the brand’s essence and craft a slogan, mission statement and vision statement that drove home JCL’s USPs.

And by prominently featuring this newly minted copy across company’s website and marketing material, we helped JCL connect with prospective clients in a way that mattered.

New slogan:

Moving your world forward.

New mission statement:

Creating a decisive competitive edge for our customers’ businesses through innovative logistics solutions and excellent service.

New vision statement:

Shaping the logistics future by offering our customers excellent products through a combination of sustainability, efficiency and digitalisation.